Seiwa Si-Tex instruments manuals

Depth Speed Wind Displays
Technicals Manuals

Seiwa Marine Electronics got its start in 1985
as one of the first marine electronics navigational
instruments, and in 2004 has introduce a second brand
named Techmarine with a complete line of dedicated
leisure and commercial marine products. The Seiwa
digital depth display provides accurate soundings,
easy-to-read numerals using an inexpensive transducer
and it is matching SI-TEX SST-110 temperature display.

download manuals

  SDD110 Digital Depth Indicator specifications (EN)
  SDD110 Digital Depth Indicator user manual (EN)
  SST110 Seawater Temperature Indicator specifications (EN)
  SST110 Seawater Temperature Indicator user manual (EN)
  SWRP03 Repeater specifications (EN)
  SWRP03 Repeater installation operation manual (EN)
  SWRP05 Depth installation operation manual (EN)
  SWRP07 Speed installation operation manual (EN)

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Si-Tex Seiwa instruments Documentation List :
* Si-Tex Seiwa SDD110 Digital Depth Indicator specifications
* Si-Tex Seiwa SDD110 Digital Depth Indicator user manual
* Si-Tex Seiwa SST110 Seawater Temperature Indicator specifications
* Si-Tex Seiwa SST110 Seawater Temperature Indicator user manual
* Si-Tex Seiwa SWRP03 Repeater specifications
* Si-Tex Seiwa SWRP03 Repeater installation operation manual
* Si-Tex Seiwa SWRP05 Depth installation operation manual
* Si-Tex Seiwa SWRP07 Speed installation operation manual