Emergency & Safety Beacons
Technicals Manuals

* The Kannad SportPro+GPS EPIRB complies with
IMO SOLAS standards and is certified for merchant
ships with a version with automatic float.
* The Kannad Safelink is a Personal Locator Device
(PLB) designed to be carried by individuals as a last
safeguard against any incidents anywhere in the world.
* The Kannad Rescuer2 SART is a 9 GHz X-band Radar
transponder and is designed to help air/sea ship rescue
operations in accordance with IMO requirements
and SOLAS standards.
* The Kannad SafeLink R10 is a personal AIS device
designed to be installed on the life jacket and
help in the rescue of Man-Overboard.
* The Kannad INTEGRA GPS ELT is a major technology
for aircraft safety equipment including an internal
GPS and 406MHz antenna.

download manuals

  Kannad Emergency Beacons Catalogue (EN)
  Kannad Emergency Beacons specification (EN)
  406 Series specifications (FR)
  Tuto-Video Kannad 406 Epirb Battery Service (EN)
  406 EPIRB user manual (EN)
  406 EPIRB manuel utilisateur (FR-EN-ES-IT-DE)
  406S EPIRB operation booklet (EN)
  SafeLink EPIRB user manual (EN)
  SafeLink EPIRB manuel utilisateur (FR-EN-ES-IT-DE-NL)
  SafeLink Safe SafePro+ manuel utilisateur (FR)
  SafePro specifications (EN)
  Safe SafePro EPIRB Range data sheet (EN)
  Safe SafePro AIS EPIRB user manual (EN)
  Safe SafePro AIS EPIRB manuel utilisateur (FR)
  Safe SafePro+ specifications (EN)
  Sport Sport+ EPIRB user manual (EN)
  406 XS-2 GPS PLB user manual (EN-FR)
  406 XS-3 GPS PLB specifications (EN)
  406 XS-3 GPS PLB user manual (EN-DE-NL)
  406 XS-3 GPS PLB manuel utilisateur (FR)
  Tuto-Video How to Test and Activate The Kannad Marine Safelink EPIRB
  SafeLink Pro PLB user manual (EN)
  Tuto-Video Safe Link SOLO PLB Test
  SafeLink Pro PLB manuel utilisateur (FR)
  SafeLink Solo PLB user manual (EN)
  SafeLink Solo PLB manuel utilisateur (FR-EN-ES-DE)
  XS-ER GPS PLB user manual (EN)
  406 Pro SARSAT user manual (EN-FR)
  Auto SART manuel utilisateur (FR-EN-ES-IT-DE-NL)
  Rescuer2 SART user manual (EN)
  SafeLink AIS SART specifications (EN)
  SafeLink AIS SART user manual (EN)
  SafeLink AIS SART2 specifications (EN)
  SafeLink AIS SART2 user manual (EN)
  SafeLink Cat.1 Cat.2 manuel utilisateur (FR-EN)
  Tuto-Video R10 SRS AIS (EN)
  SafeLink R10 SRS AIS MOB specifications (EN)
  SafeLink R10 SRS MOB user manual (EN)
  SafeLink R10 AIS MOB Battery Change & maintenance instructions (EN)
  SafeLink R10 AIS MOB changement & entretien batterie (FR)
  Tuto-Video ELT 406 Self-Test Sequence (EN)
  Tuto-Video ELT 406 Self-Test Sequence with Remote Control Panel (EN)
  Tuto-Video ELT ADT406 Emergency locator Transmitter programming (EN)
  ELT 406 AE Series installation operation (EN)
  ELT 406 AF Series installation operation (EN)
  ELT 406 AF Compact specifications (EN)
  ELT 406 AF Compact (ER) initial installation manual (EN)
  ELT 406 AF Compact (ER) installation operation (EN)
  ELT 406 AF Compact installation operation (EN)
  ELT 406 AF AF-H technical presentation (EN)
  Tuto-Video ELT Integra Compact Self test Sequence with Remote Control Panel (EN)
  Tuto-Video ELT Integra Compact Self-Test Sequence (EN)
  ELT 406 AF Integra Series operation (EN)
  ELT 406 AF AF-H Integra initial installation manual (EN)
  ELT 406 AF AF-H Integra operation manual (EN)
  ELT AF AF-H (ER-N) Integra Series installation operation (EN)
  ELT 406 AP SARSAT specifications (EN)
  ELT 406 AP Integra Series installation operation (EN)
  ELT 406 AP SARSAT installation operation (EN)
  ELT 406 AS installation operation (EN)
  ELT 406 ATP technical presentation (EN)
  ELT 406 GPS Integra specifications (EN)
  ELT RC103 remote control installation operation (EN)
  ELT RC200 RC200NVG remote control user installation (EN)
  ELT Ultima-DT specifications (EN)
  ELT Ultima-S specifications (EN)
  ELT Ultima-S owner manual (EN)

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KANNAD EPIRB SART MOB ELT Beacons Documentation List :
* Kannad Emergency Beacons Catalogue
* Kannad Emergency Beacons specification
* Kannad Tuto-Video 406 Epirb Battery Service
* Kannad Tuto-Video ELT 406 Self-Test Sequence
* Kannad Tuto-Video ELT 406 Self-Test Sequence with Remote Control Panel
* Kannad Tuto-Video ELT ADT406 Emergency locator Transmitter programming
* Kannad Tuto-Video ELT Integra Compact Self test Sequence with Remote Control Panel
* Kannad Tuto-Video ELT Integra Compact Self-Test Sequence
* Kannad Tuto-Video How to Test and Activate The Kannad Marine Safelink EPIRB
* Kannad Tuto-Video R10 SRS AIS
* Kannad Tuto-Video Safe Link SOLO PLB Test
* Kannad 406 EPIRB manuel utilisateur
* Kannad 406 EPIRB user manual
* Kannad 406 Pro SARSAT user manual
* Kannad 406 Series specifications
* Kannad 406 XS-2 GPS PLB user manual
* Kannad 406 XS-3 GPS PLB manuel utilisateur
* Kannad 406 XS-3 GPS PLB specifications
* Kannad 406 XS-3 GPS PLB user manual
* Kannad 406S EPIRB operation booklet
* Kannad Auto SART manuel utilisateur
* Kannad ELT 406 AE Series installation operation
* Kannad ELT 406 AF AF-H Integra initial installation manual
* Kannad ELT 406 AF AF-H Integra operation manual
* Kannad ELT 406 AF AF-H technical presentation
* Kannad ELT 406 AF Compact (ER) initial installation manual
* Kannad ELT 406 AF Compact (ER) installation operation
* Kannad ELT 406 AF Compact installation operation
* Kannad ELT 406 AF Compact specifications
* Kannad ELT 406 AF Series installation operation
* Kannad ELT 406 AP SARSAT installation operation
* Kannad ELT 406 AP SARSAT specifications
* Kannad ELT 406 AS installation operation
* Kannad ELT 406 ATP technical presentation
* Kannad ELT 406 GPS Integra specifications
* Kannad ELT AF AF-H (ER-N) Integra Series installation operation
* Kannad ELT AF Integra Series operation
* Kannad ELT AP Integra Series installation operation
* Kannad ELT RC103 remote control installation operation
* Kannad ELT RC200 RC200NVG remote control user installation
* Kannad ELT Ultima-DT specifications
* Kannad ELT Ultima-S owner manual
* Kannad ELT Ultima-S specifications
* Kannad Rescuer2 SART user manual
* Kannad Safe SafePro AIS EPIRB manuel utilisateur
* Kannad Safe SafePro AIS EPIRB user manual
* Kannad Safe SafePro EPIRB Range data sheet
* Kannad Safe SafePro+ specifications
* Kannad SafeLink AIS SART specifications
* Kannad SafeLink AIS SART user manual
* Kannad SafeLink AIS SART2 specifications
* Kannad SafeLink AIS SART2 user manual
* Kannad SafeLink Cat.1 Cat.2 manuel utilisateur
* Kannad SafeLink EPIRB manuel utilisateur
* Kannad SafeLink EPIRB user manual
* Kannad SafeLink Pro PLB manuel utilisateur
* Kannad SafeLink Pro PLB user manual
* Kannad SafeLink R10 AIS MOB Battery Change & maintenance instructions
* Kannad SafeLink R10 AIS MOB changement & entretien batterie
* Kannad SafeLink R10 SRS AIS MOB specifications
* Kannad SafeLink R10 SRS MOB user manual
* Kannad SafeLink Safe SafePro+ manuel utilisateur
* Kannad SafeLink Solo PLB manuel utilisateur
* Kannad SafeLink Solo PLB user manual
* Kannad SafePro specifications
* Kannad Sport Sport+ EPIRB user manual
* Kannad XS-ER GPS PLB user manual