Navman Northstar autopilot installation operation manual

Technicals Manuals

The Navman G-Pilot 3100 & G-Pilot 3380 have
a solid state gyro compensator supplied as
standard for maximum course stability,
steering the boat according to the wind angle,
fluxgate compass or GPS waypoint at the touch
of a button and the Auto Tack function turns
the boat forward at a preset angle.
The Northstar Explorer AP380 and NS3300 Autopilot
systems are similar to the Navman Autopilots.

download manuals

  G-PILOT 3100 installation manual (EN-ES-PT)
  G-PILOT 3100 operation manual (EN)
  G-PILOT 3100 operation manual (FR-DE-NL)
  G-PILOT 3100 operation manual (IT-SV-FI)
  G-PILOT 3380 installation manual (EN)
  G-PILOT 3380 operation manual (EN)
  G-PILOT 3380 operation manual (FR)
  G-PILOT 3380 operation manual (ES)
  AP380 installation manual (EN)
  AP380 installation operation manual (EN)
  NS3300 installation manual (EN)
  NS3300 reference manual (EN)

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Documentation List :
* Navman G-PILOT 3100 installation manual
* Navman G-PILOT 3100 operation manual
* Navman G-PILOT 3380 installation manual
* Navman G-PILOT 3380 operation manual
* Northstar AP380 installation manual
* Northstar AP380 installation operation manual
* Northstar NS3300 installation manual
* Northstar NS3300 reference manual