Simrad AIS service user manuals

Technicals Manuals AIS Simrad

Greatly reduce the risk of collisions with Simrad AIS
new type of safety equipment that enables you to see
and be seen at sea which is a serious concern in
sea ports and busy Waterways & shipping lanes.
Simrad AIS focuses your awareness on all vessels around
and helps reduce the risk of collision
by exchanging safety data between vessels.

download manuals

  AI50 user manual (EN)
  AI50 manuel utilisateur (FR)
  AI70 brochure (EN)
  AI70 instruction manual (EN)
  AI80 installation manual (EN)
  AI80 user manual (EN)
  MX535A UAIS Ship Borne Class A Transponder Unit manual (EN)
  MX535B AIS Class A Transponder manual (EN)
  NAIS-300 => See NAVICO NAIS-300
  NAIS-400 instruction manual (EN)
  NAIS-400 manuel utilisateur (FR)
  NAIS-500 user manual (EN)
  NAIS-500 manuel utilisation (FR)
  V3100 manuel utilisation (FR)
  V3100 user manual (EN)
  V5035 operator & installation manual (EN)

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Simrad AIS Documentation List :
* Simrad AIS AI50 manuel utilisateur
* Simrad AIS AI70 brochure
* Simrad AIS AI70 instruction manual
* Simrad AIS AI80 installation manual
* Simrad AIS AI80 user manual
* Simrad AIS MX535A UAIS Ship Borne Class A Transponder Unit manual
* Simrad AIS MX535B AIS Class A Transponder manual
* Simrad AIS NAIS-400 instruction manual
* Simrad AIS NAIS-400 manuel utilisateur
* Simrad AIS ai50 user manual
* Simrad AIS nais500 manuel utilisation
* Simrad AIS nais500 user manual
* Simrad AIS v3100 manuel utilisation
* Simrad AIS v3100 user manual
* Simrad AIS v5035 operator & installation manual